Thursday, January 13, 2011

Once you have a substantial amount of coupons

Once you have a substantial amount of coupons, you may be wondering what to do with the ones you wont use. There are a few places where you can trade your coupons, with some you can use.

Take for instance, SmartCanucks, they have a whole forum dedicated to peoples wish lists, and their trade lists. A trade list is a list of things people are willing to trade, and wishlists of course is what people wish to have. This is a great strategy of receiving coupons you can use, which is a bonus, but also getting rid of the ones you wont, to make room for new ones.

You can also check out your local Kijiji, or post an add looking for local couponers to meet up (public place, people) to swap coupons.

Happy Couponing !

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